I bowed down before this freshly shaved penis. I could feel the stranger’s cock hardening as I lowered my head. He had thicker, engorged veins and was larger than the prior cock. I caressed it all over with a gentle cheek rub. I was becoming so sexy. My cunt was aching and wet. The guy was moving, and I could hear his groans. His cock smelled musky and was quite warm. I took the stranger’s cock in my mouth. I teased, kissed, and sucked on his balls till his warm sperm filled my mouth and filled it with more and more shots of cum. His penis pulled back, leaving my mouth hanging open and spilling saliva all over my upper lip. My eyes are moist from the intense gasping. My spouse told me to wait there as I peered up at him. I watched the man I had just fell in love with exit the room and be replaced by another man as I peered through the opening back into the other booth. With haste, he pulled his pants down and inserted his nasty member into the hole.
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